Musical Beginnings Music School

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Music on the Green

by Linda Silva

Last week I wrapped up my afternoon group classes for the school year. And although I do so every year at this time, this group held a unique place in my heart, and in the history of Musical Beginnings. This is the first year I’ve taught entirely outside. Actually, the first year I’ve taught outside at all. While there were adjustments to be made, I came to really enjoy singing and moving and playing together on the front lawn, with the neighborhood as our backdrop. There was plenty of space and games that used to feel confined now felt free and much more fun. There was a playfulness to it that never failed to lift my spirits. Singing was more difficult with masks, but not impossible. Worksheets wanted to get whooshed away but we learned to be quicker than the wind. I learned what time the sun set, each day exactly, and which weather sites were the most reliable. Never have I been so aware of the outside world, city person that I am. It was an education, a frustration, and a delight, sometimes all on the same day. Not only were my young students marvelously adaptable, so were their families and my neighboring businesses. Everyone was without exception good-natured and willing to go with what the day presented. I learned a lot from that. So many thanks to my 2020-21 Preschool, Exploring, and Foundations families, for keeping the music going.