Musical Beginnings Music School

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Ode to 2018

by Linda Silva

As another year turns from old to new, I am thankful once again for all the Musical Beginnings and Music Tree families with whom I am so fortunate to spend my days. Even after all these years, teaching is still my favorite thing to do. Each class, each group of children, is a brand new joy and challenge. Just when I think I know so much about how kids learn and respond, a preschooler with a special ability or a unique need gives me fresh insight. As soon as I’m confident I’m presenting an activity in the absolute best way possible, born of years of experience and annual conferences, a five-year-old suggests something that makes it infinitely better.  When I get too comfortable with the way I’ve always done things, a comment from a teenager on their way to a lesson or a parent in the waiting room nudges me toward something new. And the teachers who surround me, all gifted musicians and caring instructors, keep me steadily supplied with innovative ideas, updated skills, and funny anecdotes.  How lucky I am to spend my days both teaching and being taught!

The lovely people who run Westchester United Methodist, where our Annex is, and Holy Nativity Episcopal, where we hold recitals, are gracious and helpful. They have a wonderful ability to take things in stride, which occasionally rubs off. The dedication and patience of the teachers and administrators at the Head Start and Harmony Project sites we visit is a continual inspiration. All these people show me what it looks like to serve your community, and remind me it’s a good idea.

 The many folks who help grow Music Tree—teachers, volunteers, donors, community partners, and families—have an extra special place in my heart.  They make it possible for Music Tree’s trilogy of programs, MusicStart preschool program, Community Classes  instrumental instruction, and Music For All lesson scholarships, to continue to provide music instruction to children who may not otherwise receive it.

 Thank you, 2018. Now…on to the next!