As the new school year approaches I stand amazed that I am still having to plan around COVID. Remember when we all thought it would be over by last year at this time? At least now we have some known quantities to work with—how to teach from a distance, via a camera, through Plexiglass, on a lawn. Best safety practices—wear a mask, open the windows, keep it short, wash your hands. Zoom recitals have proven not only doable but fun, allowing family from all over the country and even the world to attend. Online lessons are great when you’re traveling, or have moved out of state, or don’t have a ride to the studio. In my classes I learned that some activities are so much fun outside that we’ll be happy to keep them there: music baseball, Bees Are Buzzing, Great Big Shark. It feels nice that although some things we’ll continue to do because we have to, there are some we’ll do because we want to.
Here’s how Fall looks to be shaping up at Musical Beginnings:
More in-person lessons but still lots of online
Zoom and outside recitals. We may wait a few more months to gather inside
My young child classes will move indoors with small class sizes, lots of space, and open windows and doors
Masks, masks, masks. We’ll continue to follow County and State guidelines
We’re moving forward the best we can, grateful as always for our wonderful music families. Enjoy the rest of your summer! —Linda