Private Instrumental Lessons
Face coverings are required for everyone—teachers, students, and parents—who are in a common space or an in-person lesson. They are optional for children three and under. We recommend medical-grade or double masks.
All of our teachers are vaccinated.
Piano rooms have two pianos or keyboards side by side so teacher and student can each have their own instrument. The student’s keyboard is disinfected between each lesson.
Our large lesson rooms easily accommodate a 6-foot distance between teacher and student.
All lesson rooms have windows or doors that open to the outside for fresh air flow. There is also a HEPA filter in each room.
Students and teachers are required to wash or sanitize their hands before each lesson. Gel sanitizer, soap, and disinfectant are readily available. Common surfaces are frequently disinfected.
We ask that family members wait outside the lesson rooms or leave and come back. They are welcome to Zoom or Facetime in if they’d like to observe the lesson.
We follow recent CDC contact and quarantining guidelines and remind our families to do the same.
For more information or to schedule a trial:
Young Child Classes
Our in-person early childhood group classes adhere to the following safety measures:
A classroom with open windows and doors for fresh-air flow, as well as a HEPA filter.
Outdoor activities are included in each class period.
Clean sets of individual instruments for each student.
Masks required for adults and students aged three years and up while indoors. Masks are optional for everyone outdoors, and for children under three both indoors and out.
Vaccinated adults. Our teachers are vaccinated and we require all adults participating in the Music and Me classes be vaccinated as well.
For more information or to schedule a trial:
Vocal Lessons and Classes
Our vocal lessons and classes are online for now. The teachers have developed effective methods of instruction and material presentation that make the lessons both satisfying and productive while still keeping everyone safe.
For more information or to schedule a trial: