We take it week by week. What else can we do?
Wading In
What Will Fall Hold?
Playing Outside
Music on the Green
Teaching Outside
Setting Up for Online Voice Lessons
Voice lessons are going to be online only for quite some time. Creating the right environment can have a huge impact on your online voice lesson, regardless of your available equipment. While there are improvements that cost money (newer devices, better webcams, microphones, upgraded audio inputs, etc.), any device you have available now can give you an excellent result. Here are some guidelines:
How to Set Up for Online Piano Lessons
Creating the right environment can have a huge impact on your online lesson, regardless of your available equipment. While there are improvements that cost money (newer devices, better webcams, microphones, upgraded audio inputs, etc.), any device you have available now can give you an excellent result. Here are some guidelines:
Congratulations to Our Graduating Seniors
We are so proud of all our high school seniors this year. We know it’s been a difficult year for them and we want to honor their hard work and congratulate them on achieving this huge milestone. So here are details on a few of them. If you’d like to submit info on your senior, it’s not too late. Please email Linda and we will update this page.
Our COVID Safety Measures
How Music Saves Us
This is the thing all musicians have in common, I’ve found, whether it’s a successful singer who’s found a career they love, a guitarist who looks forward to weekend gigs with their friends, or the not-too-athletic middle-schooler who realizes they can impress their friends with ragtime. Music came into their lives and made it better, maybe a lot better.
Sending Them On
Every spring I wrestle with whether I should keep my little ones near by becoming their piano teacher instead of sending them off to other teachers. If I did that I could watch them grow week by week, coach their recital pieces, and help them choose what to play at school talent shows. In educational parlance this is called “looping,” when the teacher and student advance together to the next level. For me it’s called not letting go.